
Monday, July 29, 2019

Skater's Mom's Weirdidity

So as I was stepping out of the gate a woman blocked me from the non-ice side of the gate.

"You skate with my daughter," she snapped.

Okay, obviously angry woman blocking my way off ice as it's being filled with hockey mites getting ready for stick and puck is a disquieting  moment. I am always nice with the pre-free kids I'm in a class with, so I have a clean conscience.

I'm ready with an answer, Like a circus psychic doing a cold reading, I ask,"She's a brunette dressed in black?"  As we all know, that's 70 % of the girls in LTS. 

"Yes," the woman continued. Still puffed up like an angry cockerel she quickly gets to the core of her attack, "You're like what? Freeskate 4? Freeskate 5?"

"Freeskate 1," I say.

The woman whips around without another word and storms into the lobby.

NO Explanation

 Well, that was a fun 30 seconds. She couldn't have waited to trap me until I was in the lobby with one boot off? And her question?  She must have seen me skate. So, WTF?

This was weeks ago and haven't seen her since---and I still have no idea which one of the brunettes in black her daughter is. 

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