
Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Time of Year When I Hate People...on Ice

It's the middle of winter, and
the rink should look like this

 Ah, the flow of 'public skating rules'
But what it's like inside the circle

Crowded as heck and a girl's doing doubles into the people in lessons
Plus random hockey boys racing through the center
Scary as s**t


  1. One of the benefits of the furlough was that it allowed me to skate mid-morning and early afternoon publics which were mostly empty. But I'm back to work (at least for the next three weeks) starting Monday.

    1. I've had to work--but got paid, so no skating. But you and I are among the rare people who could survive a furlough.

  2. Pays to be a long term geezer employee and have an emergency fund squirreled away. It's all relative--another month and I'd be feeling the pinch. Kinda ticks me off that my former Alma mater, the USCG, was required to work without pay. Guys billeted on ships had a place to flop and three squares a day but their dependents sure as hell didn't have shelter from the bills. Most of those in the enlisted ranks of the CG don't make much and don't have much of a cushion. I'm glad that the TSA and FAA workers final stuck enough wrenches in the works to make things hot for the boys and girls in DC. End of rant. Back to work--just in time to get tax stuff in order...
