
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Explosion of Skill Building

It's not Fair!!!
 And the Rink is Still Full of Ice Tourists

Nevertheless, during my lesson my coach goes "One foot spins." Those of you who have followed my struggle with spins will remember that last week I got some one foot spins going from a two foot entry. This week, I did a couple of two foot entry spins, then my coach says, "Back cross, step forward, do a one foot entry into a spin." 

The first one was wonky, but the second one, I hit the rocker perfectly, and spun like I was a lazy susan. Then I did it again. And again. And Again!!!
I heard my coach say, "Two." I faced her. "Two rotations. On the rocker. Let's go for three."


That's it?

I just had an explosion of skill development and all I get is "Three."? I've been struggling with these for years, getting over 'issues', building leg strength, and I don't even get a smile?

Where's the Party?  
2 Rotation one foot spin out of nowhere!
On the Rocker!
And I don't get a happy face?
I Guess the Days of Easy Praise are Over.
Now it's an axel or nuttin'

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