
Monday, September 11, 2017

When My Coach Decides to Mess with My Head

My coach, Miss Bianca, is the sweetest, the nicest coach you could ever imagine. Until she turned on me last week.

She hadn't seen me in a couple of weeks and really wanted to wring everything out of me that I had learned at Lake Placid. She'd assigned me to go to a class on power, so while I was doing crossovers she started yelling, "Faster, Push faster. More power!!"

I kept crossovering and glanced over my shoulder at her. I said, "If you're going to yell at me like that, you have to be a Russian coach."

She grinned and then started yelling:

Which I thought was cheating because she majored in Russian in college. It should have been:

Anyway, we got a good laugh out of it.She thinks I'm faster, I think I'm just the same.

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