
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Stuck In A Skating Rut!

I guess a girl can just make so many skating advances in a two month period: lunges, forward power pulls, alternating 3's, back stroking without fear, mohawks both ways in a pattern, outside mohawks. Is it too much to get FI3 and one foot spins too?

I know I should be happy that I'm making progress of some sort, but spins and FI3 elude me.

I bitched to my coach about how I was struggling with one foot spins and how kids could pick them up so easily, she said darkly, "Some kids, yes....not every kid."

Then she whispered so only I could hear, "Little Tyra can't do a scratch spin and she's been working on it for a year."

What should my response be?



c. This doesn't make me feel better.

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