
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Back on the Ice

After two weeks off ice I finally got on ice today.

This is always an iffy moment when you haven't skated for a while and you step on the ice. You think, "Will I have retained my skills, or will I skate like an ice tourist?"

So, YES! I retained my skills. I think the off ice rest actually improved my bad side mohawk a bit.

It's not that my bad side mohawk is perfect, however, I can now sense where I'm going wrong.  Maybe it's arm position, or upper body, or some thing else.

After doing a few bad  side mohawks, I didn't check with my leading arm correctly, and ended up skating backwards in  a small circle. It was an okay transfer from forward to back, but I almost ended up doing a back spin. So this is my coach and I.

Triumph! I've done worse! I'm making progress!


  1. I complained to my coach about my weak side FI Mohawk. Her reply was "All adults hate Mohawks." We still chipping away at it...

    1. Darn, "All adults hate mohawks," sounds both depressing and reassuring.

    2. She reassuringly takes my check at the start of each lesson!

  2. I'm an adult and I don't hate mohawks!

    1. I'm currently working my way through learning all sixteen of them. So far I have eight...

    2. There are 16 different mohawks? Now I AM depressed...
