
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Breaking the 3 Rotation Spin Barrier

I've noticed over at that a lot of beginner skaters like myself are woe-is-me about getting more than 3 rotations in a spin. I just finally got my first 4 rotation spin, and I thought I'd continue posting about my exploration of my spin development.

A week ago I wrote about slowing down my spins so I could get a better sense  of what was impeding my spins. In my first experiments I discovered two things:
  1. I need to enter the spin with a definite inside edge
  2. I needed to make an in boot adjustment.
So that got me consistent 3 rotation spins.

I mean, I know people who do much, much better than that, so what am I doing wrong?

I have a patented method of dealing with things like this. When I try, and try and nothing gets better...

So, what's the opposite of the inside edge? The outside edge!

I started working on entering the 3 turn into the spin with a deeper outside edge. I've got lazy foot, so my outside edges are more like outside flats. Once I started focusing consciously on deepening the outside edge my transition to the inside edge got better. Three tries in and I hit my first four rotation spin!

Form may not be all that great, and four rotations make me dizzy, but I finally broke the four rotation wall!

Yeah, whatever. Still have four rotations.


  1. " outside edges are more like outside flats..." Hilarious! But seriously, congrats on the progress!

  2. Thank you both for your encouragement!
