
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Curse of the Magic Marker of Doom!

Miss Bianca is always thinking of something new for me to do with the handful of skills that I have. This week it was skating several elements in a circle.

FO3 -- Back Mohawk (step forward) -- Inside mohawk in a circle.

She takes out the Magic Marker of Doom and draws the pattern on the ice.
Even though I can do these elements separately, I'm not able to string them together on the black lines she's drawn on the ice. For some reason the instant I put my foot on the black line I lose my head (interiorly). I feel  so uneasy I can barely stroke off.

I have to move over a foot and skate the pattern so my feet don't actually touch the ink. "I can't do it on the lines you've drawn on the ice," I tell her.

Miss Bianca nods solemnly. "Pattern Panic," she says.

It has a NAME?!


  1. I am very familiar with this concept. But I think it might need to be called Pattern Panic Syndrome to give it the gravitas it deserves.

    1. I have my first lesson with new coach next Tuesday, but I have been very slack whilst I've been between coaches. No incentive to get up at ridiculous o'clock!

  2. Sounds like she wants you to do waltz 8s.

    1. I can do a Waltz8. It's nothing great. What's killing me is that added forward mohawk. My hip's in the wrong position coming out of the turn forward.

  3. I do my elements well.... until he takes out the Magic Marker of Doom. Then, I end up 10 feet from where I'm supposed to be.
