
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Figure Skating Club Meeting

A couple of times a year, my club holds a meeting at the president's house.  Imagine this, you're having a party of unrelated people ranging from 6 to 60. What do you do to keep everybody happy? Well, we all show up and it's....

People you haven't seen in months come up and give you a hug, then you catch up.

There was video too!

Awards are passed out.
Even though I won't ice monitor or do announcing for tests, I'm still recognized for my support...
I'm thanked for doing my bit for test sessions.
(That was nice)
There's actually some club business--3 minutes tops!
We vote on some financial  thing.
Our president announces she's going to become a judge. Some of the board members are going to finish their board service.

It's open season next year for the club leadership! 

Just remember, I only do set up and clean up. No Responsibility! So I will just be showing up for the food!  

And now let me say a few serious words about Joining The Club. Even if you don't test, if you want to show support for your rink, and make sure that Freestyle continues to be offered, I think it's important to join the local club. Oh, I've read horror stories about some clubs, I can't speak to those. I have a wonderful club, and being a member of the club really helps me stay in contact with the leadership. I think if I want to test in the future, establishing some street fred by supporting tests and comps really helps both the club and the rink (by showing a consistent membership) and opens up opportunities in the future.


  1. We don't have a club at my rink. At least, I don't think we do. I never hear about it. There's a club at the posh rink further away. You have to pay dues to even have the privilege of buying freestyle time. I don't skate there because of that...and well because it's further away.

  2. Some annual club meetings are actually more of a cat fight! But glad yours are enjoyable... and don't sell yourself short, set up and clean up are absolutely essential!
