
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Skating Lull

What do you do when you aren't allowed to skate?

"No vigorous exercise, for the week," the doctor told me. So there went skating, weight lifting, yoga for a week.


Now, I wish I still watched TV
So, I'm doing a lot of staring. Yawning.  Yeah, I read the latest Stephen King novel, and Dean Koontz, and Larry Correia.  Surprisingly, I didn't have bad dreams until I started on "Too Big to Fail" about the 2008 economic meltdown.

So for a week I have a big empty life.

What to do. What to do?

Oooh, ISU Components videos! Here's one of my favorites: Flow.

Anyway, if you have time to go through all the Components videos, it's really worthwhile. I came away with a new respect for judges.

It's also interesting, that the majority of the examples are male skaters. And repeated examples using the two Brians!


  1. I hear you. I'm starting my 7th week in a boot and am having surgery next Friday - two tears in my peroneal tendon and a nasty bone spur. I can't believe how much I am missing skating! Since I have to be off work for two weeks, I plan on finally reading a couple of books about skating that are on my pile, and losing 25 pounds (yeah, right).

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. When you get out of the boot and the doctor or PT gives you exercises to do--Do Them Religiously! I blew them off and it took me a half year for my strength to come back to my ankle after I restarted skating. I regret that to this day.
