
Monday, March 5, 2012

Skating Apps for the iPhone

Here's my review of some figure skating Apps from the Apps Store.

USFSA Basic Skills

This app covers all the required skating skills in the USFSA Basic 1-8. There's a young child skater, who demonstrates the skills. There's not much to the App. You click through the levels and run the videos. I suppose it's designed so a parent can use it to motivate a child. However, I think using child demonstrators is not a good idea, because their small size can make it difficult to see the detail of what they're doing. Some slo-mo for clarity.

Does not include a written description of the skill and the passing standard.


This is effectively the same as the Basic Skills app, it's a collection of videos laid out in the structure of the Adult Basic Skills Program. This time the demonstrator is an adult. I think it's easier to see the details of the skating.

Does not include a written description of the skill and the passing standard.


This App is a little more complicated than the previous two. It has three sections: demonstrations of the skills for all 6 levels of the Dance program for USFSA, demonstrations of the preliminary and pre-bronze dances + images of the dance patterns, and music for the preliminary and pre-bronze dances. The demonstrator is an adult. All skills and DANCES are demonstrated solo.

As USFSA gets into areas that are a little more complicated than straight videos, their lack of attention to detail gets to be annoying.   For example, the patterns can't be read without enlarging them, but when you enlarge them there's resolution issues with the print. Unless you know the dances well, it's sometimes hard to make out the steps in the pattern. Sloppy. 

The dances are demonstrated solo. I've no objection to this, but I would have been willing to pay extra to see them partnered as well. Without a partner it's not dance, it's an edge class.

There's music for the first 6 dances included. This is a nice touch. Strangely, the dance music doesn't always match the music used in the demonstrations. Lack of attention to detail again.

iSkate Improvers

This appears to be an app produced by an Australian or British skating body. I don't swear to it though. It's level 6-10 of a complete skating program. Levels 1-5 are in iSkate Beginners.

This is a really nice app.  All moves are demonstrated by an adult, with an initial demo, followed by close ups of the feet and body, and slo-mo. Written tips for the skater are included with each video. You can also order a workbook. The only downside I feel is that the skater's face needed better lighting. Trivial, I know, but it was noticeable and I like to see head position for some moves. Still her skating was fine, and the use of a yellow vest made it easy to follow her arm movements if she passed in front of an overly dark or bright area of the rink.

Of the apps I've reviewed, this is by far the best. Even if you are in USFSA or ISI, you could use the tips and demonstrations in this app to support your skating. USFSA should hire this company to make their apps and do it right.


  1. Babbette: Perhaps you already know about this app but just in case you don't there's an app called the Tempo Magic Pro app. I don't have personal knowledge of this app (I don't have an iPhone) but I have heard peeps talking about it. It allows one to slow down the tempo of ice dance music permitting a new dance be easier to skate during the learning process. That's all I know about it--peeps talk, you hear things, word gets around...

    1. I think some people will find it useful. My coach makes me skate at full tempo. He's a slave driver.

  2. Note that partnered ice dance videos are available on DVD but not as an iphone app through They follow the US test structure.

    1. I've seen that video, and the demos on YouTube, it's just a little out of my budget.

  3. Hi. Do you think the iSkate apps are explanatory enough that they could replace the need to buy the USFSA Basic Skills DVD? - slcbelle

    1. I've never seen the USFSA Basic Skills DVDs so I don't know. I can tell you that the iPhone apps just show a demo of the skills. There's no explanation, no passing standards, no instructional information. It's just video.

  4. As a follow up, I bought the DVD. It helps with the details. Glad to have it.
