
Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm a Numbers Person

I'm running a poll just for grins.

You'll note that I've put some unusual answers in there. There are unusual people out there.

For example, there was a flurry of activity for a couple of weeks of people from the UK googling "Center of Mass".  My guess? It was a class assignment. I wonder if my deathless prose is now forever enshrined in someone's homework with words with an extra 'u' in it: Colour, Behaviour, Humour, Crossouver.

And every week I get at least one hit from someone googling "Putin Muscle" which was a picture in My Hip Protection post. Mr. Putin is a leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world, I get that. But who are looking for a picture of Vladimir Putin's muscles? Must be fans.  Kinky fans. Well, here's one of Vladimir on ice.

Get down in the knees Mr. Prime Minister!
And and get your weight over those skates!

This blog is now reaching countries I never expected. France. UAE. Hong Kong. Singapore. Belgium (please send chocolate). Welcome all. Hope you have a good time. Keep fighting the good fight for adult skating wherever you are. Big Hugs to everyone.

Don't worry, there will be a skating post tomorrow.

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