
Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Evil Judges

I've heard the stories of judges who hate adult skaters.  Or who refuse to follow the rule book for Master's (One adult got marked down for shallow edges when the rule book says 'shallow edges are acceptable').

I never believed these stories until a coach who was testing silver dance, told me her horror story. She had been failed on a Silver dance 3 times by the same judge. Her own coach and partner (a formal national competitor) told her the judge was never going pass her since the judge didn't believe adults should test.

Let's look at this story as if it was a film:

The Judge

 The Dance Coach /Partner

When the Student Under Test Hears about it

Apparently the judge has ticked off so many people: adult students, and coaches (who earn income from teaching and partnering adults) the judge is no longer invited to judge for the club.  

 All of our Adult Skaters testing this session

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