
Monday, July 22, 2019

In Celebration of Skating in the Kids Group (Updated)

In my group class, I'm the Freeskate 1 portion, and the 2 girls are in pre-free. So Coach has me off to the side doing back edges, spins, and whatever else she thinks I need to work

Coach says:

So I do waltz 3 circle to the right. 

Coach says:
"Good Arms! Great Head Position in the turn, Wonderful turn forward. Now go to the left."


Coach says:"Did you just do..?"

But it was a great mohawk!!

So, how did I end up doing a mowhawk when I wasn't thinking about it?
To do waltz 3's in a circle, you do a FO3, step down on the free foot, then turn forward BY TURNING TO FACE THE OUTSIDE OF THE CIRCLE. This puts you in the perfect position to another FO3,

What I did was two FO3 in a row, then turned forward by facing inside the circle,  an stepped down directly into a Mohawk. Did the Mohawk, stepped down on the free foot going backwards, then turned forward facing out of the circle, and did another FO3,

And didn't think a thing about it.

Doing a skill unconsciously, that's real skill advancement !!!  

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