
Saturday, March 2, 2019

There's a Story Behind This Sign--it could be any rink

I love the ALL CAPS line. 
Maybe that should have been the first one.

This sign was brought to you by a skater on, where this and many other many amusing and informative posts are brought to you every day. 

Want a place to ask questions and advice about skating?  How to leave a coach? What boots to buy? How to fit a boot? All those and many more. Skatingforums is a forum with moderators that allows you to post anonymously in a moderated posting environment.

Share your questions, research our decade of posts to find answers and solutions to your skating issues. All this in both public and private threads. Join us at today.


  1. I was a member. And then forgot my password. And then my inability to navigate tech was really evident. I should try again!

  2. Glad I stumbled across this blog, because I've been trying to sign up at for awhile, and I think something is wrong with the registration page. It won't accept 'melt' as the answer to 'what happens to ice when the temperature gets above freezing'. Am I just an idiot and am missing another obvious answer?
