
Monday, January 21, 2019

Google+ is retiring..I'm switching to Facebook

So I've always sent a notice of my updates to Google + automaticlly,  but Facebook was more of a problem. I actually had to work to do that, so by the time I finished a post late at night--I just skipped Facebook.

Well, Google has announced that it will no longer be supporting Google +  after mid-Summer, so I must move on.

I have an Ice Doesn't Care Facebook page, and it's a little rough right now, but as the days pass, I'll get it running, although it's a little harder than I thought it would be.

To my followers on Google +, I thank you for following the blog. But when Google + dies, I think you can friend the blog over on Facebook. There are also a couple of other services that may meet your needs.


  1. Isn't google+ more or less the same as blogger? Why not switch to blogger?

    1. Blogger is a service for posting blog entries. Google+ is social network site like Facebook. I've used Google+ to let people know a new post is up. I'll use Facebook the same way.

  2. I've collected all of the blogs which I follow on a news aggregator app called Whenever there's a new post on one of those blogs it pops up on my feedly page as unread. More here:

    On FB should we look for "the ice doesn't care" facebook group?
