
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Back from Germany!

I had to go to Germany for work for a week, but I think this is the final trip for a while for me since I started traveling in November. So I'll start skating regularly again this week.  Just not today (Saturday) since I was up -- no sleeping-- for 24 hours.

For those of you who plan to fly to the EU and are addicted to Diet Coke, it's about $3 for a bottle half the size of one in the US. I wasn't prepared for that!

My return trip was dogged by bad weather, plane changes, being double booked to Paris and Amsterdam as intermediate stops, and at one point in JFK the pilot announced "We're 30th for take off". The wait on the taxiway there was longer than the flight home!  But, I really really liked flying on KLM.

I was in Stuttgart, and there is a nice ice rink in Stuttgart. Here's a picture of it.

Googling "Stuttgart Ice Rink" and finding this picture was as close as I got to skating in Germany!

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