
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Why My One Foot Spins Go Wrong...(Edited)

I lean out of the circle....then just my head leans out of the circle...

Or my shoulders twist....or I look down...look up...too far to the side...

Or my feet are too far apart....or the toes aren't in the right position....

Or I enter the spin too fast...too slow...too early....too late...the wrong arm forward...

Not to mention that when I hold my arms out in a hoop they aren't hoopy enough but to the left.... or the right....

Right now, to spin I get my hands/arms/shoulders positioned by grabbing my jacket zipper with both hands as I spin, squeeze my gut in, don't look down (look straight ahead), point my toes in, don't bend forward,  and then....

And you know what happens? I find another way to do it wrong!


  1. As a fellow adult skater, I love reading your blog! Always makes me laugh :) This is so me right now with my one foot spin too! Soooo frustrating, I feel your pain!

    1. Laughter is the best medicine for a bad spin!!!

  2. I happened across your blog a couple days ago while researching ROH for ice dancers. I like it! (I started skating as an adult as well.)
