
Saturday, September 26, 2015

The American Figure Skater Boot Tying Machine


  1. AMEN. I roll my eyes every time I see a particular 9th grade BOY at the rink having his skates tied by his grandfather. Sheesh.


    1. The kids at my rink play games on their phones while someone's tying their boots. I really, really want to take their mom's aside and ask, "What are you thinking?"

  2. I am reminded of my own mother who, while I didn't skate as a child, would say that if I was old enough to participate in an activity, I was old enough to prepare myself. That was theatre, dance and music. The only thing she did was make sure I got there on time. If you can skate, you can tie them yourself. Talk about entitled...

  3. So I've been skating for 22 years (pond skating and skating 2-3 times a year) but just started LTS. I honestly don't ever remember my mom tying my skates, though I suspect she did the first few times we went pond skating (when I first learned to skate). I think I understand with kids under ten if they have new stiff boots, I can attest that its harder to tie my new boots (literally have blisters from tying my skates), under ten they probably don't have enough strength but anytime after that they should be able.

    On the other hand could someone please tie the poor ice tourist kids skates for them, I've see more skates turned at 90 degree angles due to poorly tied skates then I care to admit.
