
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Do You Have Fans? I Do. Tiny Fans.

So I'm doing some backward stroking and a little boy of all of 8 sort of stumble skates up to me on rentals and says:
"You're so good."
Then 10 minutes later, another little boy of the same age stumble skates up to me while I'm working edge pulls. and says:
"You're so good."

First off, why can't any of my male fans be at least in their late 50's?

I tell this to my coach, Miss Bianca, and she related the time she was practicing a program that was not going well, and when she got off the ice a woman said to her, "Oh, that was so beautiful."

If you've done any skating at all you've probably had moments like this. If you're like me, inside you may feel like this:

But, really, at my age, I take my compliments where I finds them! So be nice and say "Thank You!" Don't go into how you messed up or anything. Just enjoy the moment.

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