
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Changing of the Seasons

You all know about sighting the first robin as a sign of spring. Now, I'm here to announce the sighting of the first knit gloves in the stores! Winter is coming!
Stock up! Stock up! Stock up!
And the knit gloves can't be here too soon. I skated with a gray glove and an orange glove for weeks.

I call the gray gloves Usova and Zhulin. They were capital gloves until one day, Usova disappeared.
Usova and Zhulin
So I bought....Platov and Grishuk. The orange gloves, at a rink that only had this color left.
Grishuk and Platov
And then Platov ran away to be with Usova.

So I formed a partnership between Zhulin and Grishuk.  It was the end of summer, I was desperate! Gray and orange together for 6 weeks! It wasn't pretty. I looked like I was directing traffic in Pittsburgh.

Then when I was going through a box of stuff, I found Usova again! She's back partnering with Zhulin.

Meanwhile I have no Idea what happened to Platov. Grishuk is at the bottom of the bag waiting for yet another partner....Meanwhile, Zhulin and Usova are at the end of their run....I need new gloves for the winter!!

Hmmmm, maybe if I name them Torvill and Dean they won't break up and I can keep a complete pair for the whole season!!

I should get purple gloves for Torvil and Dean. What do you think?


  1. I noticed the wall o' gloves at my local mega-mart the other day and got excited about stocking up! I don't tend to lose them, but I do I tend to poke holes through the tips of the fingers. My fingers aren't even that long! I don't know how you could liken that phenomenon to a skating disaster like lost gloves being a split pair of skaters.

    Also, it looks like Grinkov and Platov are now skating for the University of Texas!

  2. Only gloves you can get at my rink are fluorescent pink. Now that makes me think of Savchenko and Szolkowy and their pink panther program! Lol!

    Definitely get the purple gloves!

    Robins = spring for USA? Robins = Winter for UK! Robins mean cold weather, very short days and Christmas to me! :-)

    1. I had to look this up. It turns out the English Robin and the American Robin aren't the same bird.
      And that's not to say American Robins don't appear in the winter. I came home one February day and saw my house, trees and yard covered with hundreds of robins. It was a very Stephen King moment. No pictures unfortunately.

  3. Had to google... The american ones have a dark head! They look quite different to the British ones don't they! I think coming home to a flock of 100s of robins would be a rather freaky!

  4. My local Dollar Tree store has nice soft, stretch gloves in a variety of colors. The yarn is very loopy, so they have a very soft, squishy feel to them. As someone with small hands, I like buying the child size.

    Did you mean to say Alfred Hitchcock? - he's the one that the directed "The Birds". Stephen King writes a lot of scary stuff (Pet Sematary make me keep the lights ON that night), but I don't remember any striking scenes with huge number of birds. I think of the "The Birds" when I see huge numbers of grackles in our yard shortly before they migrate away.
